Demirci Marketing Case Study

Su Che Design's revenue increased by 267% in 30 days

Art Print eCommerce Store revenue doubled in 3 months, at an ROAS of 5.66.

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Social Media Marketing


Facebook, Instagram

Project Timeline

2021 - 2021

Increased in ROI revenue

Project Overview

Su Che Design sells stylish, high-quality art prints that are easy to handle and hang up on the wall. They have an e-commerce store ( to sell their products in the UK and also the United States, and Canada.

Their goal is to maximize their revenue and increase their ROAS was 0.3.

Project Execution

At the beginning of our collaboration, the client struggled with sales volume and ROAS. We analyzed ad account performance and quickly found that the content is high-quality, but there was a lack of structure within campaigns; separate campaigns were used for each promoted engagement post.

So, first of all, we have applied our own “scaling model” integrating conversion and catalog campaigns. Then, we started to collect the audience that engaged with the website or both with Instagram and Facebook pages.


£11,071.57 revenue generated in 90 days. 5+ ROAS

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